League of Legends

Ultimate Aatrox Guide - Nerfed but dangerous!

Aatrox guide for the latest patch that will make you fly! So Aatrox got nerfed! But hey, even Superman has his kryptonite, right? Don't worry, our Darkin Blade still knows how to party in the top lane. He's like that cool uncle who's still got the moves, even if he's a bit slower on the dance floor. Let’s flash right in!

Summoner Spells:

- Flash: Essential for escaping, engaging, or securing kills.

- Teleport: Allows you to return to lane quickly, apply pressure across the map, and join team fights instantly.


- Primary Path (Precision): 

- Conqueror: Aatrox can stack this quickly with his abilities, providing bonus adaptive force and healing.

- Triumph: Grants additional sustain in fights after takedowns.

- Legend: Tenacity: Provides resistance to crowd control, which Aatrox is susceptible to.

- Last Stand: Increases your damage as your health gets lower, synergizing well with Aatrox's playstyle.

- Secondary Path (Resolve): 

- Second Wind: Provides additional healing in lane, especially against poke.

- Revitalize: Boosts your healing and shielding power, enhancing Aatrox's sustain.

Stat Shards:

- Two Adaptive Force: Provides bonus AD to increase your damage output.

- Magic Resist or Armor: Choose based on your lane opponent's primary damage type.


- Starting Item: Long Sword & Health Potion

- First Back Options: Serrated Dirk

- Recommended Full Build: Eclipse, Serylda's Grudge, Black Cleaver, Maw of Malmortius, Death's Dance, Ionian Boots of Lucidity

- Control Wards: Always have one in your inventory for vision control.

Ability Skill Order:

- Q (The Darkin Blade): Max first for damage and wave clear.

- E (Umbral Dash): Max second for mobility and passive healing.

- W (Infernal Chains): Max last. It's mainly used for its utility.

- R (World Ender): Level up whenever possible (6, 11, 16).

General Playstyle:

Aatrox is a resourceless champion with hard CC on 4 abilities, making him great in 1v1s and teamfights. He excels in ranged matchups due to the range on his Q and his trade patterns. However, he falls off in the late game and is susceptible to CC. He is also item dependent and requires good mechanical skills to play effectively.


Use your Q to last-hit minions and poke your opponent at the same time. Remember that your passive, Deathbringer Stance, can help you last-hit cannon minions as it deals bonus damage.

Laning Phase:

In the laning phase, focus on farming and poking your opponent with your Q. Use your E to reposition for Q sweet spots and your W to pull enemies back. If you get ganked, use your Q and W for crowd control and your E and Flash for escaping.

Mid Game

In the mid game, you can split push due to your 1v1 potential and Teleport. Join team fights where you can use your R for increased damage and healing.

Late Game:

In the late game, stick with your team as you're vulnerable alone. In team fights, use your R early for the bonus AD and increased self-healing. Try to hit as many enemies as possible with your Q and use your W to catch out enemies or peel for your carries.


In teamfights, you're a frontline drain-tank. Use your Q to deal damage and knock up enemies, your W to catch out enemies or peel, and your E to reposition. Use your R early for the bonus AD and increased self-healing.


For Dragon and Baron, provide vision with Control Wards and use your Q and W to zone enemies. You can tank the objectives with your healing.


Aatrox does well into ranged matchups due to his Q range. However, he struggles against champions with high mobility or heavy crowd control. He also gets outscaled by champions who can stack armor or deal % health damage.

Mastering Aatrox is like acing gym class. It's all about spacing, positioning, and timing. You wouldn't try to shoot a basketball from half court with your eyes closed, right? So, don't use your Q without thinking about where you are and what's going on around you! Aatrox is like the tough gym teacher of League - he'll make you sweat and push you to your limits, but he'll also teach you the fundamentals of the game. And once you've got those down, you'll be dunking on your enemies in no time! So, lace up those sneakers, skin up and flash into the rift! 

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